Journal of Black Psychology, 46, 607-637.Ĭlark, E. Relationship in a national sample of African Americans. A longitudinal examination of social support as a mediator of the personality-health Predictors of African American belief in illness as punishment for sin.Ĭlark, E. The moderating role of social and religious resources.
Marital status and depressive symptoms in African Americans: Gurung (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 10(1), 1-19.Ĭlark, E. Research and implications for occupational therapy community-based practice. Disability and health in African Americans: Population Journal of Black Psychology, 48(1), 43-66. In a national sample of African Americans: A two-wave longitudinal study.
Social support as a mediator of the personality-physical functioning relationship Research Methods and Social Psychology Social Psychology of Health Educationī.A., Northwestern University Research InterestsĪpplied Social Psychology Lab Publications and Media PlacementsĬlark, E. General Psychology Social Psychology Health Psychology African American Psychology Ĭlose Relationships Social Psychology of Attitudes Social Psychology of Close Relationships